![Welcome Message [English/Spanish] Featured Photo](https://3.files.edl.io/3348/24/08/11/004939-65042c76-c62f-49c0-b06d-232e59a70224.jpg)
Piru Elementary School Home
Main Gallery NEW

Condor students doing what they do best... lend a helping hand to a friend in need!

![Welcome Message [English/Spanish] Featured Photo](https://3.files.edl.io/3348/24/08/11/004939-65042c76-c62f-49c0-b06d-232e59a70224.jpg)

Principal's End of Year Message/Mensaje de la Directora de fin año
Please click above to view end of year message. Por favor haga clic arriba para ver el mensaje de fin de año

TK/K Parents,
Please note that this school year students will be dismissed at 1:00pm starting the first day of school.
Please note that this school year students will be dismissed at 1:00pm starting the first day of school.
Competitive Athletics
"Piru Elementary School did not offer competitive athletics as that term is defined by Educational Code Section 221.9(e) in the 2022-2023 school year."